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[bin]uimage_3352_128512_vmr_v2.12.md528.8MFirmware Image
[txt]sha11K Checksum
[txt]sha2561K Checksum
[txt]WTI Power MIB24K MIB

Release Notes

Before upgrading, we recommend reviewing the Release Notes in full.
Notes for this specific release are below.
ARM Power (VMR) (NPS) V2.12 checksum Date Code:  Tue Mar 20 13:41:19 PDT 2018
1.	Openssl 1.0.2n – fips  7 Dec  2017 
2.	Openssh: 7.6p1
3.	Apache httpd: 2.4.29
4.	RESTful Versions: v/1.0, v2
5.	Added RADIUS Default User Access sub menu and functionality
6.	Modified TACACS Default User Access menus (made submenu)
7.	Web updated to HTML 5/CSS
8.	UFW command replaces UF command. /UF now hidden (for WMU compatibility)
9.	DF command replaces /U command. /U command now hidden command for backward compatibility.
10.	New feature added to DF option: FTP/SCP/tftp download of parameters
11.	New feature added to UFW option: FTP/SCP upload of parameters.
12.	Flash charts removed , replaced with HTML5 (JavaScript) charts
13.	Web Defaults are now TLS 1.2 only and Harden Security is High
14.	Support added for Web key upload of CSR/CRT keys
15.	Support added for Web key upload of a CA Intermediate Key
16.	Added SNMP V3 separate authentication password and encryption shared key
17.	Email, "From Name" field, if the text SITEID, the Site-ID of the unit will automatically replace this text
18.	RESTful API now has rights imposed depending on the user you are logged in as. User will only have access to assigned ports and plugs