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[bin]uimage_3352_128512_tsm_v6.51.md528.5MFirmware Image
[txt]sha11K Checksum
[txt]sha2561K Checksum
[txt]WTI Console MIB20K MIB
[txt]RADIUS Dictionary1K dct
[txt]RSA RADIUS Dictionary2K dct

Release Notes

Before upgrading, we recommend reviewing the Release Notes in full.
Notes for this specific release are below.
Console (DSM) (CPM)(SRM) V6.51 (Date Code:  Thu Sep 21 16:54:16 PDT 2017)
1.	Openssl 1.0.2l – fips  25 May  2017 
2.	Openssh: 7.5p1
3.	Apache httpd: 2.4.27
4.	RESTful Versions: V1.0, V2
5.	Add – iptables character limit increased from 128 characters to 256 characters.
6.	Fix – xml edits that increase IP tables characters that exceeded set character limit were being allowed and was causing the unit to lock up and not reboot.
7.	Add IPsec support for OpenVPN, client tunneling, site to site tunneling
8.	Support added to web-I temperature and current metering log selections to now include temperature range fields.
9.	RESTful API support added
10.	Added RSA SecurID, supported through Radius and the RSA dongles, for 2 factor authentication